1. “Pick the right picture” (and all four pictures have photocopied as solid black squares).
2. Many multiple-choice questions have two or three quite legitimate possible answers. For example, the perplexing...
Anne and Jenny are my ______
(a) teachers (b) friends (c) sisters (d) brothers
3. And often, the answers are just plain wrong. I saw these “correct” answers today:
She has carly hair. (well, Carly does...)
Is the weather like today? (what?)
Eating apples can made you healthy. (you make a mistake!)
I’m poor so I can’t play for it. (play for the FA Cup, perhaps?)
He’s a straight man. (maybe this one is intentional?)
She is learning Italian dish. (a cook maybe?)
I’ll retire and grow lives. (Nope. Not a clue on this one!)
Penguins are the kings of cats (my personal favourite ...!?)
4. Even the “English Language Revision TV Programme” regularly makes a hash of things:
He ________ harder last year than before.
(a) study (b) studies (c) was studying (d) studied
What do you think? Both (c) and (d) look fine to me, but the programme insisted the right answer was (b)??