JD's been trying his hand at blogging recently, as part of his home-school ICT lessons! Early days, but he's hoping to update it once or twice a week...
Today marks the 15th anniversary of my little blog, initially started on a Yahoo! platform (since discontinued) and since then on Weebly. With entries every couple of days, I reckon I've made some 2,700 blog posts over the years, documenting my time in China. The blog gets about 50-100 individual readers a day, most of whom are unknown to me! Do feel free to say "Hi" in my guestbook, on the tab above.
![]() My blog celebrates its 14th anniversary today (including its previous Yahoo format). I wonder how many readers have been following it from the very beginning? The blog stats say there are 200-300 unique views daily, though there are only about 20 regulars that I know of. If you've never signed the Guestbook (tab above), why not reveal yourself? This shows the surprisingly large number of people viewing this blog each day. Do sign the Guestbook [see above] if you have a moment...
My blog has been going for 13 years today.
Who would have thought it would last that long when I started? Today marks eleven years since I started to keep an online blog (7 years here and a 4 further years on a previous platform which got closed down). With entries every 2-3 days on average, I reckon that's well over 1500 posts. Wonder if anyone out there has been reading it since the beginning? Do leave a comment below if so. Happy Birthday Blog!
There was a time when my blog apparently attracted hundreds of readers a day (or so the stats said - I always found it hard to believe that there were so many people following it). Numbers have since dwindled to a more believable 20-40 a day. Why? Maybe because I'm back on Facebook, maybe because my entries have become more domestic and less amusing since getting married and having my son, maybe there just less to report on? But it was still a bit of a shock to see that on June 10th this year, there were no visitors to my blog at all. Not one. Not even me! I think I need to up my game!
![]() My wife never reads my blog (or so she assures me), though she often coos over my shoulder when spotting pictures of JD that appear here. She does know that my blogging means a lot to me, though, often waiting patiently while I take a photo of some odd sight or Chinglish that I've spotted. She has even started to photograph little things herself which she thinks I'll enjoy, to send on to me. And so it was that this balloon boy appeared on my phone last week, courtesy of my wife who thought it was bizarre enough for the blog here. I'd have to agree. Back in March 2010 an excited blog entry registered surprise at receiving 50 viewers in one day. By January 2011, that had risen to 125. Later that year, it passed the 200 mark and in early 2012 was approaching 400. September 2013 saw a record 586 unique visitors in a day and this month that peak was once again surpassed with an astonishing 642. Many thanks to you all for following my news and coping with the awful puns and Chinglish.
My previous record for the number of people visiting my blog in one day was a huge 482. Now, excuse any self-indulgence in this entry, but I've just found that on Sept 9th a bewildering 586 folk had a look! Now that's just silly! Who are you all?
The first printed book of my blog covered 2004 to 2009. The second volume has just been printed, covering 2009 to 2012. It's about the same size as the first, reflecting the increased frequency of entries, from one every 3-4 days to one every other day, on average. It's not cheap to get them printed to photo-quality, but it makes a great record of my challenges and adventures here.
A new record for my blog last week - a spike of nearly 500 unique visitors in one day! Wow! Thank you all for visiting. Why not introduce yourself in the Guestbook section (see above) if you haven't already. And do keep reading!
I get quite excited when the number of unique visitors to my blog nears the "200-in-a-day" mark. Imagine my shock on finding that Jan 9th 2012 recorded nearly double that number! I'm not sure I even know that many people!
(If you are one of the hundreds of "anonymous" readers, many thanks for visiting and why not "out" yourself by taking a moment to sign the blog's guestbook - see tab above. And keep visiting!) Last week was the first time more than 200 people in one day took a look at my blog! Thank you all for visiting ... and please do sign my Guestbook (see tab above) if you haven't already.
So where were you all on September 2nd? I haven't dipped as low as 25 "unique viewers in a day" for many years. But then, on September 3rd, as many as 175 of you had a little look-see. Did I miss a Royal Wedding or a Wimbledon final or something?
![]() The Gallery section of my site has had a little revamp of late. As well as some general photos showing life in S.E. China, there are the best of our wedding photos and a selection of my favourite Chinglish pictures. Do click the tab above to check it out. ![]() Well what do you know? Perhaps inspired by Dave starting up his blog again, my other brother Andy has started up a family blog too. Both blogs well worth a look. And now the pressure is on the old man ...got anything to share with the world, Dad? ![]() My brother Dave has started his family blog up again after a year doing other far more constructive things! I'm pleased though, as it helps me keep up with all his family news. Now if only I can persuade Andy and my parents to start one ...we'd never have to talk again! It seems a lot of blog-readers were concerned about my parents leaving the UK and returning there, as the two peaks on my blog stats show! March 21st was a new record high - 192 different viewers in a day. A warm welcome to any newcomers. Do make yourself known in the Guestbook (tab above) and keep peeking!
There was a sudden peak in visitors to my blog last week - 189 separate visits from 125 unique visitors! A new record for the blog and a great way to start the New Year! Thanks for visiting!
AuthorPaul Hider started this blog to share his rather odd life living in China for over 20 years. Since returning to the UK in 2024, the blog now records his more "normal" lifestyle! Past blog entries
December 2024